Happy deepavali images 2017 latest

Happy Deepavali 2017 | Happy deepavali Images | Happy deepavali images | Happy deepavali Quotes | Happy deepavali Greetings | Happy deepavali Messages | Happy deepavali SMS | Happy deepavali Wallpaper | Happy deepavali Photos Pics | Happy deepavali Sayings | Happy deepavali Status for Whatsapp | Happy deepavali 2017Happy Diwali – Firstly i wish you all a very “Happy deepavali2017” i.e Happy Deepavali. deepavaliis one of the biggest festival which is not only celebrated by hindus, but also celebrated by many other religion people. Happy deepavaliis also know as Happy Deepavali or Dipavali. This year, deepavali2017 (Deepavali 2017) is celebrated on 19 October (Thursday) and 18 October (Wednesday) in South India. deepavaliis know as Festival of lights which is celebrated every year for death of Narakasura.
On this auspicious, eveeryone wish each other Happy Deepavali 2017 (Happy deepavali2017). Families gather to exchange sweets, gifts and wish each other on this occasion. Kids like this happy deepavalia lot because they can eat many varieties of traditional foods and fire crackers which fill the sky with beautiful colors.

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Happy deepavali images 2017

Happy deepavaliimages in various Different local languages like Best Happy deepavaliimages in English or Happy deepavaliimages in Hindi Font or Happy deepavaliimages in Marathi : This Happy deepavaliis very special festival to everyone. On this auspicious deepavali2017, We will send these “Simple deepavaliimages” to our Best Friends, mom, Dad, Boss, Brother, lover, Sister, teachers, Colleagues, Team, Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Clients, Customers, Corporate, students, Employees, Family, special person, husband, wife, parents & sir. Select one of the Happy deepavaliimages from the below deepavaliimages amoug three languages like deepavaliimages in English, deepavaliimages in Hindideepavaliimages in Marathi and send those Best deepavaliimages to your loved ones happy Diwali.


Happy Deepavali Images, Greetings, images, Quotes, SMS, Pics 2017

Happy Deepavali is the opportunity to decorate houses and streets and to feast on different dishes, including sweets. After the truly religious part of the feast, gifts are exchanged, fireworks are fired and all kinds of shows are shown in the mela , the great gatherings that take place.

Happy Deepavali
Diya lamps arranged on a rangoli. deepavaliis inseparable from diya or dip lamps , mostly clay , but sometimes metallic. They are filled with oil or ghi , clarified butter, and burn through a wick , usually made of cotton . Candles are also used .

The Rangoli are the decorations that decorate houses, courtyards, sanctuaries and other edifices during the feast. As a matter of fact, Lakshmi, according to popular belief, comes to visit the houses – the rangoli are drawn on the ground with rice flour as a sign of welcome and Repel evil spirits. Colored powders are also used to form geometric patterns. This decoration is complemented with leaves mango tree and garlands of concern.

Thali for the puja
A thali ready for the puja
A number of items are needed for the celebration of the puja , the religious ceremony held in honor of Lakshmi and Ganesh.
It is good that all these objects are prepared beforehand, in a harmonious and pleasant way to the eye, on a plateau ( thali ) ad hoc : one disposes there the roli , mixture of turmeric and hot to make the tilak , the A colored mark to be affixed to the forehead of his brother or sister; There are also akshat (grains of rice), a ghanti (the bell to call the divinity), a small kalash (pot) filled with water, a kalava to be tied around his wrist, a few pieces Gold and silver as well as flowers. A diya lamp, One can buy thali decorative ready-made, but it’s one of the pleasures of preparations for deepavalithat arrange yourself a thali particularly successful.

Lakshmi and Ganesh Puja
During the great puja of the third day, one loves Lakshmi (to which are associated Kali and Sarasvati ), and Ganesh (to which is associated Vighnaharta). The puja is the ceremony by which the divinity, called by the officiant (the pujari ) with the ghanti bell , will descend among its worshipers.
After the room has been thoroughly cleaned, the statues of Lakshmi and Ganesh are bathed with water and then with an ointment called panchamrita; A diya lamp is then placed before each deity to drive out evil spirits. The puja is continued by offering to the divinities fresh flowers, colors (red abir and vermillon sindur ), and turmeric , to which are added sweets, fruits and silver, which can then be given to the poor. It then sings incantations ( arti ) in honor of Lakshmi and Ganesh.
After the celebration, participants eat the prasad candies , and go out to explode the firecrackers and fireworks.

Fireworks and Firecrackers
happy diWali, the festival of lights, would be incomplete without fireworks. Given their price, but also the pollution they generate, it is the community that tends to organize shooting. As for firecrackers , their number and power have been growing until the early 2000s, when the authorities decided to limit the escalation.
HAppy Diwali, in fact, gives the opportunity to some to assert themselves by buying the most powerful firecrackers possible, therefore the most noisy. Their noise level could exceed 125 or even 145 decibels at four meters. They are now banned. In addition, accidents related to firecrackers and fireworks occur each year.

The “Five Days” of Diwali
The churning of the sea of ​​milk , whence came forth, among others, Dhanvantari and Lakshmi . One notices the Mount Mandara, which serves as baraton, and the king of the serpents Vasuki , which serves as bar-chord
Several legends or traditions are associated with Diwali and lead to distinct celebrations. As a general rule, the festivities for happy deepavalithus extend over five days (the number may vary), each of which has its role. These days straddle the months of the Hindu calendar of Ashwin and Kartik . Happy deepavali2017 ??

Dhanteras, the first day
Dhanteras , or Dhanvantari Triodasi 30 , is the 13 th day of the second fortnight ( paksha ) of the lunar month of ashwin. That day, the Lord Dhanvantari, the physician of the gods, came out of the sea of milk bringing to humanity its Ayurvedic medicine.
At sunset, the Hindus bathe and light the lamps called yama diya , which they let burn all night. Their glow spreads and honors Yama , the Lord of Death, to whom they offer sweets and pray to save themselves a premature end. The offerings must be made to a sacred tree which for this reason some people grow in their garden. It is also traditional to buy a lucky charm: a new utensil, or even a piece of gold or silver. HaPPy deepavali2017 ??
Chhoti Diwali, the second day
The second day of deepavaliis called Narak Chaturdasi or Chhoti deepavali(small Diwali). This is where Krishna destroyed the demon of dirt. Narakasura 31 . It is then necessary to massage the body with oil so that it disappears the fatigue, to bathe and to rest, so as to be able to Celebrate Diwali with the spirits and the required devotion. Happy deepavali2017 ??
That night, unlike the day before, we will not turn lights yama diya: the shastras , stating that they are exclusively for Dhanteras.
Lakshmi Puja, the third day
This most important day of all, called Bari deepavalior “great Diwali” , is devoted to the puja of the goddess Lakshmi . At this puja that takes place on the day of Amavasya, New Moon, five deities are celebrated. These are the trimurti of the goddesses: MahaLakshmi , goddess of wealth, MahaSarasvati , goddess of knowledge, and Mahakali ; and Ganesh and Vighnaharta.
This day the Hindus perform their ablutions before joining their family and their Pandit , to worship together the divine Lakshmi, so that she may bless them with wealth and prosperity, and allow the triumph of good over evil, light On the darkness. Happy deepavali2017 ??
It is during this third day that preparations for puja are the most important: decoration of the house with the rangoli (decorative motifs to welcome Lakshmi), preparation of thali , trays of offerings and utensils for puja .
Puja of Padwa and Govardhan, on the fourth day
Krishna carrying Mount Govardhana on his finger, to save the inhabitants from the wrath of Indra . One sees this one in the distance in the sky, on his mount, the white elephant Airavata
The fourth day of celebration is the first day of the month of Kartik, which marks the new year in northern India. Kartik is a month extremely conducive both materially and spiritually.
This day has two meanings. On the one hand, it is the Gudi Padwa , which symbolizes love and devotion united the spouses; on this day, brides are invited with their spouses to special meals and received presents. On the other hand, the puja of Govardhana is celebrated . Long ago, Lord Krishna saved the inhabitants of the village of Gokul from the deluge of Indra . Since that time, Hindus worship Govardhan each year in honor of the first puja once celebrated by the people of Gokul. hAPPY deepavali2017 ??
Bhai Duj , the fifth day
Bhai Duj, or Bhrati Duj is a day called “brothers” which is dedicated to the sisters. She recalls that Yama Raj, the Lord of Death, went to her sister’s house and gave her the gift ( vardhan ) of releasing from her sins anyone who came to see her that day, giving visitors the power to reach liberation ( Moksha ). Since then, the brothers have made it their duty, on that date, to go to their sisters and hear from them.


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